Arkaim is a bracelet made of matte serpentinite and yellow agate.
Arkaim is an archaeological site, the star of the Country of Cities - a complex of ancient settlements of the Sintashtin culture. At the beginning of the Late Bronze Age, 22 settlements were erected along the Ural ridge by unknown Indo-Aryan tribes according to an unusual circular architectural plan. Around the same time that the pyramids were being built in Egypt, there was water supply, sewage, chariots in Arkaim, and blacksmithing was developed. Ancient riddles disturb the minds of not only scientists - some believe that this is the birthplace of Zarathustra, others consider it the ancestral home of the “Aryans”, others - “a place of power” and “the cradle of the world”.
Yellow agate is associated with calmness and emotional balance. It is believed that it is able to protect the owner from someone’s envy and bad wishes, dispel anxiety and empty fears. People believe that yellow agate brings clarity of thought and success in financial affairs, well-being and prosperity.
The serpentinite is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. The stone represents curiosity and creative thinking, snake dexterity and intuition, the ability to find a way out in any situation. People believe that it gives the owner good health and longevity, protects from trouble and helps to make the right choice.
الشحن والإرجاع
محتوى الصف
محتوى الصف
مثالية للماراثونات
والارتداء اليومي

مادة متينة وجيدة التهوية
مادة Coolmax القابلة للتنفس، والنايلون المقاوم للتآكل، والليكرا المرنة لإطالة العمر والتهوية
5 أصابع القدم
ملاءمة مريحة مثالية
سريع الجفاف
نسيج قابل للتنفس ومتين
مجموعة متنوعة من خيارات التصميم

تصميم بخمسة أصابع
يقلل الاحتكاك ويمنع ظهور البثور

ملاءمة مريحة
مزيج الأقمشة الذكية
يدعم الليكرا، ويتنفس كولماكس، ويمنع ظهور البثور